21年選秀首輪中段幾個大個子選擇之一, 當時被認為很適合勇士,類似嘴綠小球5的定位, 最後於首輪#23被火箭隊選走,在火箭兩年的成績如下: https://tw.sports.yahoo.com/nba/players/6565/ 今年被火箭釋出後,跟勇士簽下雙向合約,目前在Santa Cruz 奮戰中, 網路上可以看到一些高光。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dg3ICjRSQSY
以下是當年的選秀報告: Source:https://www.nbadraft.net/players/usman-garuba/ Usman Garuba 6-8, 230 Power Forward/Center Spain Class of 2021 Birthday 03/09/02 (21.7 yrs) Hometown Madrid, Spain 身高:6-8 (不確定是否barefoot) 臂展:7-2 體重:230磅 Strengths: Blue collar forward/center, who always gives 100% … Energy guy, plays with no fear … Relentless motor … A bit undersized for a big but his great wingspan (measured at 7-2) makes up for it … Very good athlete … Runs the floor like a deer… Excellent leaper… Has an NBA body… Likes to play physical, doesn’t shy way of contact on both ends of the floor … Has a good basketball I.Q … Battle tested at the highest level in EuroLeague … Very good roller in Pick and Roll situations … Tries to dunk everything … Has shown glimpses as a shooter in Pick and Pop and Spot Up 3’s situations … Has acceptable footwork when he is Posting Up with a good right hook in his arsenal … Good passer when he is Posting Up … Has improved as a passer in Pick and Roll situations after doing a short roll … Moves very well without the ball, doing timely cuts to the basket either from the baseline, or from the perimeter … Great in transition … Acceptable ball handler when running the floor, can even score an occasional coast to coast … Crashes the offensive boards, putting pressure on the opponent’s team … He is an one man defense … Can guard all five positions … Elite lateral movement … Able to switch on the perimeter in defensive Pick and Roll and make life miserable for opposing guards … Excellent Post Up defender, knows how to use his physical edge to his advantage… Understands how to fill the passing lanes and gain a lot of steals … Good shot blocker thanks to his physical profile, leaping ability and length … Very good help defender … 優勢: 藍領型前鋒/中鋒,總是全力以赴…充滿能量,毫不畏懼地…不知疲倦的動力…在大個子位置上稍顯不足,但他出色的臂展(測得為7-2)彌補了這一不足…非常出色的運動員…像鹿一樣快速地奔跑…優秀的彈跳力…擁有NBA球員的體型…喜歡以強硬風格比賽,在進攻和防守兩端都不怕接觸… 具有出色的籃球智商…在歐洲職業聯賽的最高水平上經受過考驗…在擋拆跟進時非常出色…嘗試以扣籃完成所有事情…在擋拆跟進和空位三分球情境中展示出投射者的一面…在背身進攻時,腳步可觀,擁有一記出色的右勾手… 在背框進攻時是一位出色的傳球手…同時在短檔拆中作為中傳手也不錯…在沒有球的情況下移動非常靈活,及時切入底線或外圍的籃筐…在轉換進攻中表現出色…在跑動球場時,是一位可以偶爾完成端到端進攻的可接受的球技者… 進攻籃板強勁,對對手的球隊造成很大的壓力…他的單防可以守住五個位置…出色的橫向移動…能夠在防守擋拆時切換到外圍,讓對方後衛感到困擾…出色的背框防守者,知道如何利用他的體格優勢…懂得填補傳球通道,獲得很多抄截… 由於他的體型、躍升能力和臂長,是一名出色的封籃手…非常出色的協防者… Weaknesses: He is more a 5 than a 4 for now on offense because of his skillset … He is undersized for a center for the NBA level … Not skilled enough to play as a power forward on a consistent basis, but not big enough to play as a center … Needs a big with size and shooting range alongside him to be more effective on the floor … Shooting mechanics are inconsistent … Pretty limited offensively either as a power forward, or a center … Below average 3-point shooter with FIBA’s 3-point line, which makes it even more of a challenge from the NBA 3-point line … His low shooting percentage from the free throw line makes it difficult for now to imagine him becoming a scorer in the future … Has no in-between game, he will either shoot a 3 or go hard to the basket since his mid-range shot just isn’t there … Can’t create his own shot, he mostly scores on Pick and Rolls, cuts or after offensive rebounds … His low post game needs a lot of work, he mostly turns and shoots over his left shoulder, which makes him predictable … Needs to add some moves to his arsenal when he is posting up … Can be a little foul prone when his energy and aggression gets the best on him … Sometimes forgets to box out, thinking that his athletic ability is enough to get the rebound…Bigger, skilled centers can find ways around him to score … Off ball defense can be a problem some times, he can over commit on help and leave his assignment … 缺點: 由於他的技能組合,目前在進攻端更像是5號位置而非4號位置…他對於NBA層級的中鋒來說身材過小…在持續比賽中不夠有技巧地擔任大前鋒,但身形又不夠大擔任中鋒…需要一位有著體型和射程的大前鋒,以使他在場上更有效率… 射擊機制不穩定…無論是作為大前鋒還是中鋒,在進攻端都相當有限…在FIBA三分線上的表現屬於平均以下,這使得在NBA三分線上更具挑戰性…他從罰球線上的低命中率使人難以想像他未來能成為得分手…他沒有中距離進攻,他要麼投三分,要麼強攻籃框,因為他的中距離投射能力不足…無法自創出投籃機會,他主要是在挑戰球權和進攻籃板後得分… 他的低位進攻需要大量改進,他主要進攻手段是左轉上籃,這使得他的動作變得可預測…在背對籃框時需要增加一些招數…有時候在能量和積極性上過於犯規…有時會忘記進行籃板擋位,以為他的運動能力足以爭取籃板… 更高大、技巧更嫻熟的中鋒可能會找到繞過他得分的方法…在無球防守方面有時會出現問題,他可能過於投入協防而忽略了自己的防守分配… Overall: Usman Garuba is a high energy/blue collar big, with an amazing motor … Physically gifted with a good basketball I.Q, can guard everyone on the floor, while he can be a great partner for a point guard in Pick and Roll situations … At the same time though, he is limited offensively and kind of a tweener on offense, which can make his transition tricky for the next level. 小結: Usman Garuba 是一位充滿活力、戰鬥力十足的大個子球員,擁有出色的運動素質和出色的籃球智商…在場上能夠防守任何對手,同時在挑戰球權情境下能成為控球後衛的絕佳搭檔… 然而,與此同時,他在進攻端受到一些限制,進攻上有點不4不5 (tweener),這可能使他在升級到下一個層級時變得複雜。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/G-S-WARRIORS/M.1701077716.A.9DF.html ※ 編輯: waderu ( 臺灣), 11/27/2023 18:04:07
Sc30Fmvp: 感謝分享 那難怪還不敢給他上 11/27 18:39
sbhweare: 看來要傷兵潮才會看到了 希望不要 11/27 19:11
karmel: 目前沒什麼他的位置 11/27 20:18
karmel: 他有一點外線的樣子 但樣本數少 11/27 20:18
karmel: 就先上TJD還比較好 11/27 20:19
Kroner: UC2是啥東西?求解釋啦! 11/27 20:19
karmel: 整體技能蠻接近的 11/27 20:19
JL46: 感謝waderu大-張貼Usman Garuba的選秀報告翻譯文,辛苦了~ 11/28 07:12
MorPhin3: TJD實際也是6呎8 但是Garuba看來也沒比他更出彩的地方 11/28 17:13
waderu: Garuda在火箭有長出C-S三分啦 11/28 19:08
Kroner: 看到關節痛,我就想起我姨媽 11/28 19:08