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https://reurl.cc/OM8o2v Left-hander Cristopher Sánchez and the Philadelphia Phillies agreed Saturday to a $22.5 million, four-year contract covering 2025-28. Sánchez gets a $2 million signing bonus and salaries of $1.5 million in 2025, $ 3 million in 2026, $6 million in 2027 and $9 million in 2028. Philadelphia has a $14 million option for 2029 with a $1 million buyout and a $15 million option f or 2030 with a $1 million buyout. The options can escalate to $16 million for 2029 and $19 million for 2030 based on top 10 finishes in Cy Young Award voting, Sánchez, 27, was signed to a one-year contract for 2024 calling for the $753,50 0 while in the major leagues and $280,432 while in the minors. 四年2250萬美金 signing bonus:$2 million -----------底薪期 2025 28歲 $1.5 million -----------仲裁期 2026 29歲 $3 million 2027 30歲 $6 million 2028 31歲 $9 million -----------FA年 2029 32歲 $14 million(球團選擇權 & $1 million buyout) 2030 33歲 $15 million(球團選擇權 & $1 million buyout) 2029 & 2030選擇權金額根據CY票選結果 有機會增加到 16M & 19M -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1719122573.A.C9A.html
Fukudome: 4+2包了28~33歲這段黃金期 06/23 15:18
giancarloye: Op 06/23 15:26
GodMune0608: OP 06/23 15:38
scatman: Z大這篇還有包含各年薪水,不算OP吧? 06/23 17:02
Zoomyoyo: 不錯不錯 之前從洋基離開一度差點連MLB都混不下去 恭喜! 06/23 22:14
Kroner: 關節痛有沒有辦法完全根治啊?UC2聽起來像萬靈丹 06/23 22:14
wei5277: 5樓搞錯人了吧。這個374是投手不是捕手 06/23 23:08
CrazyStone: 現在反串水準都那麼高嗎,不像演的 06/23 23:11
ashilol: 這也能搞錯 06/23 23:11