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https://x.com/ByRobertMurray/status/1828405620674044332 Dick Mountain is back: After signing a minor-league contract on Aug. 15, the Red Sox are activating Rich Hill, sources say. Hill, 44, made one appearance with Triple-A Worcester, throwing two hitless innings while recording two strikeouts. 紅襪隊即將升上44歲老將 Rich Hill 先前他在8月15日與紅襪隊簽下小聯盟合約 後來在3A投了一場比賽,主投兩局無失分,另外送出兩次三振 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1724764478.A.4E0.html
carlchang092: 43歲居然還回的到大聯盟 08/27 21:49
carlchang092: *44 08/27 21:50
geneaven: 是他不想投整年不是沒人要 08/27 22:34
dk210095: 富丘居然還在投 08/27 23:07
Nikagnef: 紅襪下半季投手中邪到需要富丘救火了XD 08/27 23:08
Chricey: 關節痛就老人病 08/27 23:08
kltnlious: 富丘居然還在 08/27 23:15
gogoto: 真的老鬼 帶完球隊沒事 回來投投就上大聯盟了 08/28 00:28
Toy17: 波士頓趙子龍 八進八出紅襪 08/28 13:56