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Justin Madubuike, Ravens Agree To Four-Year, $98M Deal https://bit.ly/48HPGTG 原文作者:JAMISON HENSLEY/ESPN(RealGM Football摘要轉錄) https://i.imgur.com/RfZ9K5w.jpg
註:Hensley是ESPN的烏鴉線記者,他先前為巴爾的摩當地媒體「太陽報」的記者; 近年他的報導範圍,也逐漸延伸到美聯北區的其他球隊 Justin Madubuike and the Baltimore Ravens have agreed to a four-year deal worth $98 million, including $75.5 million in guarantees with $53.5 million at signing . 今年首度入選明星賽的防守達Madubuike,在本週與烏鴉隊達成4年總價近1億美金 的延長合約,這其中有7千萬是保證金,其中更有53.5M是簽約金 The deal is a record for defensive tackles in terms of guarantees in total and a t signing. The $24.5 million average per year is second to only Aaron Donald($31 .6 million). 這合約創下了防守絆鋒(DT)合約保證金與總金額的紀錄。至於J-Mad的平均年薪 也僅次於公羊隊的Donald(超過3千萬) "Justin is one of the best defensive tackles in the entire NFL and a cornerstone on our defense," Ravens general manager Eric DeCosta said in a statement. "This is a great way to start the new league year!" 烏鴉隊GM-DeCosta表示:「JMad不僅是NFL最頂尖的DT,也是我們防守組的 基石。能夠在成功續約他的情況下,開啟新的賽季真是太棒了!」 Madubuike had a career high 13 sacks last season. 順帶一提:JMad去年締造13次擒殺,也是他進入職足後的新高記錄 ——————————————————————— 心得:恭喜烏鴉,也恭喜JMad 隨著聯盟轉播金與商品銷售額的成長,造成的正向效應就是球隊的薪資空間跟著 成長,繼而可以開出更好的合約留著球員 另外就是美聯北區烏鴉與布朗的軍備競賽也越來越精彩(尤其兩隊的世仇早在布朗2.0 還沒成立時,早就種下了),感覺至少有一場可以留給MNF甚至SNF這樣的黃金時段! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NFL/M.1710066179.A.EFD.html
kyokofan: 感謝大大分享。NFL合約太複雜了,這張小弟不知道怎麼跟 03/11 12:21
kyokofan: Jones的比價XD 不過頂級DT一年三千萬以上未來是定錨了 03/11 12:21