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是說每年都這樣不意外就是 運動畫刊原文 https://tinyurl.com/4mwxvckn Aaron Rodgers was absent from New York Jets’ mandatory minicamp due to an unexcused absence, Jets coach Robert Saleh said on Tuesday. 龍哥缺席噴射機義務性的季前訓練營 Rodgers has been present since the start of the Jets’ offseason program but missed the first day of minicamp because of a personal, undisclosed event. “The second [absence] is Aaron,” Saleh said. “Aaron and I spoke before OTAs started, he’s been very good with communication, he’s been here the entire time. It’s inexcused, but he had an event that was very important to him, which he communicated.” 總教練說他有跟龍哥溝通,但龍哥有個很重要的活動 The 40-year-old quarterback is entering what will hopefully be his first full season in New York after tearing his Achilles in last year’s season-opener against the Buffalo Bills. The Jets will kickoff their 2024-25 season against the San Francisco 49ers on Sept. 9. 40 歲的四分衛希望今年能夠是他加盟紐約噴射機的第一個完整球季 去年在對戰水牛城比爾的開幕戰 他因為阿基里斯腱撕裂退場 整季報銷 Jets pass-rusher Haason Reddick, who is currently negotiating a new contract, was also not present at minicamp and tabbed as an unexcused absence. Both Rodgers and Reddick are subject to fines. 噴射機 防守線衛 Haason Reddick 也沒有出席訓練營 是因為正在和球隊談約 Rodgers 和 Reddick 兩人的缺席都是會被罰款 Rodgers is subject to a maximum fine of $101,716 if he misses all three days of mandatory minicamp, according to NFL’s Andrew Siciliano. 若缺席三天 最高會受到 約十萬美元的罰款 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NFL/M.1718212292.A.AFC.html
edgelee: Jets PR 太差了。AR 老早就告知不會參加了。硬是拖到開訓 06/13 07:11
edgelee: 前 才發佈這消息 06/13 07:11
Organizer: 又來囉 06/13 09:35
icecreamdog: 感覺是總仔自己沉不住氣 一定要對媒體喊一下? 06/13 12:18
icecreamdog: 該不會真的是選舉行程 06/13 12:18
Chricey: 想問一下有沒有關節痛的運動禁忌?怕動得更嚴重… 06/13 12:18
sampsonlu919: NYJ公關差不意外啊 所以才會傳出榜眼少主Wilson姐 06/13 12:52
sampsonlu919: 弟戀甚至母子戀被笑話 06/13 12:52
sampsonlu919: NYJ已經失能到尼克在這5年晉級季後賽的次數 都比他 06/13 12:52
sampsonlu919: 們在近十年多了 06/13 12:52
Kroner: UC2推薦?有人試過嗎?靠譜嗎? 06/13 12:52
JamesSoong: 以前Packers 一堆老球皮還可以這樣搞 Jets 也能不一起 06/13 14:12
JamesSoong: 練球嗎? 06/13 14:12
edgelee: 能吧 超過十五年的老將 出席minicamp 更是大新聞吧 06/13 15:56
edgelee: 而且第一階段的 通常是strength and conditioning 06/13 15:58
Kroner: UC2對膝蓋特別有用嗎?有人能證實嗎? 06/13 15:58
JamesSoong: 小弟不擔心AR12 擔心的是其他隊友無法配合 06/13 18:57
icecreamdog: 今天原因被挖出來了 龍哥因為去埃及旅行而錯失噴射機 07/02 11:27
icecreamdog: 隊的迷你訓練營 07/02 11:27
icecreamdog: https://i.imgur.com/HwSW0FU.jpeg 07/02 11:27
Chricey: 哇勒,UC2 這個東西真的是太讚了 07/02 11:27
edgelee: 記得 後來的討論是 為何Jets 在很久之前就知道AR要出國 07/02 15:46
edgelee: 後。不把mini camp提前 讓AR參加 07/02 15:46
JamesSoong: 看來AR已經準備退休了 有快一年的時間不去埃及 偏偏 07/02 19:18
JamesSoong: 選季前 07/02 19:18
Kroner: 不動對關節最好,拎北都躺著 07/02 19:18
AlainDion: AR不是一直都走靈修路線,選埃及也只是剛好而已XD 07/03 12:50
AlainDion: 不然把自己關在小黑屋裡耍自閉有比較好嗎 07/03 12:50
edgelee: 他可能是去埃及 找個小黑屋XD 07/03 13:34
edgelee: 總之他有意願參加正式的training camp就好了啦 07/03 13:35
Kroner: 5樓關節跟X一樣 07/03 13:35