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Update 0.7.46 Survival Mode Rebalance Greetings Commanders! We're excited to debut the first of many changes to come to Mechabellum's survival mode! During implementation of Update 0.7.46 Mechabellum will be unavailable for the following time. 8:00 am on March 21st, 2024, UTC. At that time, the server will undergo update maintenance for about 120 minutes. Now onto the upcoming changes! Survival Mode -We have added 1 boss unit to the survival mode, more bosses will be added in future updates. -The survival mode recruitment panel is no longer random. -Now when you win a round, you gain supplies depending on how many units survived. -All several levels have been remade and re-balanced. -Survival Mode now has 8 different difficulty levels. 生存模式不再隨機選單位了 不過初始2兵種還是隨機 每回合獲勝依照造成的傷害依比例額外加補給 大概每3回合都會出現生存模式專有的獨特敵方單位 -- 阿克西斯教成員招募中 https://i.imgur.com/H7yLHgV.jpg
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