看板 Storage_Zone
※ 引述《shwu11 (shwu11)》之銘言: : https://i.imgur.com/aJK3pG5.png
這顆fa100重灌windows以後曲線比較OK了,這是什麼現象? cache釋放? 用久以後曲線會不會又變爛? 要怎麼加速惡化重現問題? 大量讀寫的測試軟體? -- ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Storage_Zone/M.1709835730.A.9A1.html
tomsawyer : 就是塞滿小檔案 然後拿去烤箱烤一下 裡頭的電子逃 03/08 08:24
tomsawyer : 逸之後 ecc火力全開讀取速度非常緩慢 03/08 08:24
tomsawyer : 用久了當然會變爛 03/08 08:24
tomsawyer : 推文建議不負責資料完整性 03/08 08:24
It took 1 month to return. too long. The processor was InnoGrit. Now it has a smaller processor. The curve with lower speed are probably where has been wriiten. https://i.imgur.com/oNHjUt7.png
※ 編輯: shwu11 ( 臺灣), 05/08/2024 12:12:07