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※ 引述《sthho (sthho)》之銘言 : https://i.imgur.com/rxH5IfA.png
: Sabalenka: : 很明顯的,在紅土,Iga比我強 : 又譬如Rybakina在草地表現更好 : 而我在硬地又會更好一點 : 紅土: Iga : 草地: Rybakina : 硬地: Sabalenka : 就大滿貫冠軍來說的確! 這段話在沒有前後文的情況下,感覺造成了一些誤解。實際上沙巴也只是順著記者的話說而 已,場地也不是她要討論的重點。以下附上羅馬記者會影片和逐字稿供參。 https://reurl.cc/GjKoZd 3:02~4:58 Interviewer: “Do you have a feeling that there are the best three like in the p ast. Best three, you, swiatek and rybakina and then there are so many people very strong but with some *(Can't hear clearly) some not so perfect like you andbetween you…” 訪問者:「你有沒有感覺到像過去一樣有最佳的三個球員。最佳的三個球員,你、Swiatek 和Rybakina,然後還有很多人非常強大,但有些人在某些方面(聽不清楚)有些不完美,像 你和你們之間的…」 Sabalenka: “I'm not perfect at all but…(laughing)” 沙巴:「我一點也不完美,但是…(笑)」 interviewer: ”Yeah yeah but more perfect between you three. Do you have a feeli ng about the difference is by surface so yeah (you) a little bit better on cemen t (hard court) and swiatek is on clay and rybakina on grass I say something like this or it depends on the day just the day between you three.” 訪問者:「對,對,但在你們三個人之間更完美一些。你有沒有感覺到差異是因為球場的不 同,所以嗯(沙巴)在硬地球場上稍微更擅長,Swiatek 在紅土球場上,Rybakina 在草地 球場上,我是這樣說的,或者取決於當天的情況,就是在你們三個人之間的某一天。」 Sabalenka: “Well I mean obviously Iga is much better on clay than me for exampl e. I would say Elena is better on grass and I maybe a little bit better on hard court, but at the same time I cannot say that we are…it's all about the surface . Because I mean as the time shows that I can beat them on clay, on hard, on gra ss… so it's not about the surface I would say. It's about the… honestly in eac h match is just about a couple of key moments where like probably she played bet ter.” 沙巴:「嗯,我想顯然地,Iga在紅土球場上比我更擅長。我會說Elena在草地球場上更擅長 ,而我可能在硬地球場上稍微更擅長一些,但同時我不能說我們…完全取決於球場。因為, 就像過去對戰顯示的那樣,我可以在紅土、硬地、草地上戰勝她們…所以這不是關於球場的 問題,我想說的是…說實話,在每場比賽中都只是關於幾個關鍵時刻,也許她打得更好。」 Sabalenka: “And for example last match with Iga (Madrid final) I wouldn't say t hat on those important points I did something wrong. It just… I was doing the r ight thing but she was doing it better you know a little bit. It just about like little little things and and um yeah it's not about the surface you know. It's just like…it's a process.” 沙巴:「比如說最近與Iga的比賽(馬德里決賽),我不會說在那些重要時刻我做錯了什麼 。只是…我在做正確的事情,但她做得更好,你知道有一點點。這只是關於一些細微的事情 ,而且嗯,這與球場無關,你知道。這只是…這是一個過程。」 Sabalenka: “You know like you learn from that little mistakes you made it in th e match and then you go and work on them and and you try better next time. So it 's just little improvements you know like a little percentage better every day a nd hope for the better result.” 沙巴:「你知道,你學到了比賽中犯的那些小錯誤,然後你會去解決它們,努力在下一次比 賽中做得更好。所以這只是一些小的改善,你知道,每天進步一點點,期待更好的結果。」 Eurosport這樣不明不白的擷取一段話,我覺得有點騙流量了,明明沙巴一直強調這和場地 無關。現在媒體的隨便一段引用就能釣魚… ---- Sent from BePTT on my ASUS_I002D -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tennis/M.1715359218.A.5EE.html
sthho : 感謝補充,以後會再注意原文內容。 05/11 04:17
onme : 沙巴現在輸球後的心態真的很正面 05/11 08:08
namieamuroma: 被沙巴圈粉了 05/11 09:33
KB1999KB2 : 老實說 我覺得截的那段也沒什麼問題XD 05/11 14:04
KB1999KB2 : Much better/better/a little bit better 05/11 14:06
Kroner : UC2對膝蓋特別有用嗎?有人能證實嗎? 05/11 14:06
KB1999KB2 : 甚至還有一個maybe 05/11 14:07